fROM  THE DESK OF KATHERINE ROMERO: A moment of Vulnerability
I want you to be the first to know
Things are changing...
My dear friend... I don't know about you, but 2019 has been one helluva tough year. The details are better left for a chat over a glass of wine. But the blessing in all the challenges that this year has thrown my way is that it has forced me to cut the BS in life and double-down on the things that energize me.

If you're close to me, it's no secret that given the chance, I love sharing what I know about digital marketing. It's one of the things that energizes me to the max.

And so, I'm launching something pretty special in early January that is 100% a doubling-down on sharing my "all-action-no-BS" style of digital marketing knowledge with the world. This will be designed specifically for small business owners seeking a greater level of empowerment over their digital marketing. As I type this, I'm getting goosebumps... what's coming is truly the intersection of fulfillment for me and impact for you. Want to know exactly what I've got up my sleeve? Join my waitlist to be the first to know what's coming.

For now, all I will say is cheers to 2020 being our year!  Talk with you soon friend,


P.S. Those that join my waitlist only through this page will get the incredibly vulnerable (cue *sweaty palms*) backstory of what's been going on that I'm only letting close friends in on.

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